Retired Senior Voulnteer Program (RSVP)

R.S.V.P. Trip 1/23/18

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you know why"  

- Mark Twain

The visit to the County Headquarters building to learn about the programs and volunteer opportunities available through the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), You Are Not Alone (YANA), and Legacy Corps was extremely informative. The presenters were engaging and loaded with knowledge to share. Their energy, passion, and dedication was palpable - you could feel how much they enjoyed their work. The Mark Twain saying above is the motto of one of the volunteers who presented and speaks to the motive behind the gratifying work of helping people in our community.

I was amazed to learn that RSVP volunteers serve at 91 sites throughout San Diego County and augment the police and sheriff departments.  They not only patrol neighborhoods and assist in traffic control, incidents and homicide investigations, they will also check on your home while you are on vacation for free as part of the YANA program. In order to work as a volunteer, you must attend a two-week academy,  which includes bomb scare, drug, radio, and elder abuse training. A minimum six-hour per week commitment is required, but you can serve while working around your vacation schedule.

Previously, I had never heard of the Legacy Corps, a free respite program for caregivers, which serves veterans and military families. Volunteers must have some type of connection to the military (prior service or family member who is/was in the service) and undergo a background check, medical check-up, and free CPR, first aid and diversity training before agreeing to an annual commitment of 450 hours of service companionship to give caregivers a break. In exchange, volunteers receive a monthly stipend as well as an annual education award of $1,527, which can be used to pay off a student loan or pay for personal educational costs of a family member.

Visit the website to learn more about volunteer opportunities with the County of San Diego.


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